España es uno de los países punteros en Europa en cuanto a aplicación de las tres soluciones tecnológicas más populares en 2017. No lo decimos nosotros, lo establece la propia Comisión Europea en su Marcador de la Transformación Digital que ha visto la luz en fechas recientes. El organismo sitúa a «la piel del toro» en los puestos de cabeza, junto con países como Reino Unido, Dinamarca y Luxemburgo, en un momento en el que la ciberseguridad, el blockchain y la Inteligencia Artificial están pautando la agenda del imparable fenómeno de la Transformación Digital.
The analysis of data in this document shows that EU member states in the northern and western parts of the EU are the best performers, while those in the east and south are lagging the furthest behind and should therefore make the most improvements.
This is the third consecutive year that Europe has produced this Digital Transformation Scoreboard. The extensive 138-page study provides data and analysis on the uptake of digital technologies in companies across the EU, with the aim of better informing and helping policy makers and industry stakeholders to move forward. This 2018 scoreboard is based on EU business surveys in strategic sectors, as well as national policy projections and macro analysis of a wide range of national data from Eurostat, national statistical offices and data from international organisations.
En esta edición el Marcador estrena además sus «resultados del pulso digital». La nueva característica consiste en una plataforma de Inteligencia Digital que analiza información recopilada en línea de fuentes abiertas, incluyendo prensa en línea, blogs, sitios web corporativos, redes sociales, foros, televisión abierta, etc. Los datos recolectados cubren miles de millones de conversaciones web de 150 millones de fuentes en 187 idiomas.
In addition, for this year's Scoreboard, two sectors were used as case studies for the adoption of Industry 4.0: Construction and Food. In addition to their different nature and degree of digital adoption, the survey results show that in both sectors more than 70% of companies have invested in digital technologies to improve their production processes. At the same time, almost nine out of ten say they are fully aware of the new prospects of the digital revolution.
According to information provided by the Commission, a total of 19 national Digital Transformation policies and programmes were analysed, and in all industry and research roles, stakeholders were identified as key. Almost two out of three EU Member States reported having prioritised the digitisation of their industries, adopting large-scale policies and related initiatives to increase productivity and competitiveness and improve the digital skills of their workforce.
However, it should be noted that all policies have common objectives, but differ in many aspects, such as design, funding approach, financial size and implementation strategies, among others.
The document is closely linked to the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe's overall digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states' digital competitiveness. The full results of DESI 2018 are available here.