Muy bien. Así que ya has asumido que hacer lo mismo de siempre, cuando es algo que no te está reportando más éxitos, es lo más parecido a la locura; y has decidido cambiar. Pero algo te impide dar el salto todavía a todo lo que suena a «nuevo mundo»: el retorno de la inversión, el temido ROI, ¿verdad? Esas tres siglas que son capaces de desvelarte día y noche, tanto si te han encargado tomar las decisiones estratégicas de la empresa como si debes remontar tus cifras de ventas sí o sí a finales de año. Y en un escenario de incertidumbre y cambio permanente, invertir sin pruebas es casi un acto suicida, ¿a que sí? Pues toma nota, porque la inteligencia competitiva empieza a mostrar datos que casi asustan de lo positivos que son.

In a reference publication such as Tech Emergence, they have taken the pulse of five cases with names and surnames, which have used disruptive artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, and have seen their objectives more than achieved. As always, BRAINTRUST recommends that you go to the original publication for the full story, but for those who don't have time, we have provided a few brief notes, translated into the language of our main market. Let's take a look at these five cases.

1. Global Tech LED / Google Analytics

This is an LED lighting supplier specialising in LED retrofit kits and fixtures for commercial spaces. At this company, the decision was made to use Google Analytics smart lists to automatically identify prospects, with the aim of remarketing with more targeted pages to specific users.

The result? The lists generated 5 times more clicks than all other display campaigns, and the click-through rate of these remarketing campaigns was more than double the remarketing average of other campaigns. In addition, the website saw its traffic increase by 100%.

2. Under Armour / IBM Watson Cognitive Computing

Fabricante estadounidense de calzado y ropa deportiva, desarrolló la aplicación Under Armour UA Record utilizando la plataforma de IBM. La idea era habilitar un «sistema de Coaching Cognitivo» como asistente de salud personal basado en datos en tiempo real para dormir, hacer ejercicio, realizar alguna actividad o alimentarse adecuadamente. La aplicación se basa en varias fuentes de datos, incluidos los geoespaciales, que le permiten determinar cómo el clima y el medio ambiente pueden afectar el entrenamiento.

The results? A 4.5-star overall rating and Connected Fitness accessory revenue that grew 51 percent to $80 million.

3. Plexure (VMob) / Azure Stream Analytics

It is a New Zealand-based media company that uses real-time data analytics to help companies tailor marketing messages to individual customers and optimise the transaction process. In this case, it used Azure to help McDonald's increase customer engagement in the Netherlands, Sweden and Japan. It was used to analyse the more than 40 million IoT endpoints that make up the company's big data, based on customer behaviour patterns and responses to offers, analysing contextual information. An example: a customer located near a McDonald's location on a hot afternoon might receive an advertisement whose main hook was to eat free ice cream.

¿Resultados? Un aumento del 700% en los canjes de los clientes de ofertas específicas, una tasa de retorno que duplica a los clientes «normales» y una cesta de la compra un 47% superior.

4. Coca-Cola Amatil / Trax Retail Execution

This is the largest bottler and distributor of bottled soft drinks in the Asia-Pacific region. The use of technology in this case was aimed at analysing images from photographs taken by the sales reps themselves on shop shelves. Within minutes, the technology returned patterns to optimise sales and apply corrective actions.

Results? Market share increase of 1.3% in five months.

5. Peter Glenn / AgilOne Advanced Analytics

Finally, an outdoor apparel and equipment company. The AgilOne dashboard was used for advanced segmentations with household and physical proximity data, information that was used to launch integrated campaigns to increase sales during off-peak months and increase shop traffic.

The results? The company noted that their customer base was lapsed 80% of the time, which allowed them to take corrective action, and then experience a 30% increase in average order value as a result of their automated marketing campaigns.

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ROI, you say, and isn't the ROI that you don't waste another minute thinking about where the ROI of competitive intelligence is?

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash