"Digitalisation will create 1.2 million jobs in Spain", "77% of SMEs have already started their digitalisation", "The results are higher in companies that have gone digital"...

Are we really prepared for the maelstrom that is coming our way? The "Digitalisation" storm is coming and it is here to stay and to sweep away those who ignore it.

We cannot focus on one sector, one professional profile, one specific technology ... the challenge is global. New challenges are arising everywhere, and specifically in the insurance sector there is a long way to go if we want to emerge triumphant from this storm.

It is often thought that being digital means having a website "X", being present in all the social media networks, or simply launching a mobile application with our logo that allows us to see what discount we will get on our next purchase. Let's treat the digital transformation process as a strategic opportunity to annex new technologies, but mainly new reasoning, which facilitates new opportunities and allows for a more efficient business model.

But where do we start? A good question.

According to the Axis Corporate report "Digital transformation, a competitive advantage for insurers"; starting with change management, transforming the culture of the organisation and financial investment are the three key points to start the journey (almost nothing!).

Companies that have already started their journey have focused the axis of their digital transformation on the customer. Let's study and analyse them: what they want, what they need (and what they will need in 3 months and 3 years! ),... in short, "what's itching them". Let's try to pamper them and accompany them while they are under our mantle.


However, many companies are still at a very early stage in terms of customer knowledge. We have moved from "Big Data" to "Smart data" and we must use this intelligence to find behavioural patterns and thus consolidate relationships with one of the most important axes of the company: customer 3.0 is already here and in a matter of (little) time 4.0 will be knocking at the door. Let's get our act together!


Lucia Palacios