The Big Data Centres of Excellence of BRAINTRUST, enable the orderly management of all data analytics capabilities in organisations with the following objectives:
- Align the expectations of each of the parties requesting BIG DATA services in terms of return on investment for each candidate use case to be developed and implemented.
- Detect the needs or concerns of end customers, prior to the execution of a new business case, in a given field.
- Provide withknowledge and experience from other cases where business cases have been solved through use case automation.
- In short, providesthe BIG DATA technical teamwith a broad business vision in order to transform this area into a group of services demanded by the rest of the areas for the achievement of the Company's objectives.
Disseminate the capabilities of Big Data for the execution of business cases, through use cases, among the areas of Operations, Marketing, Finance, and any other area that can take advantage of the installed capacity of this tool.
Determines the business needs and the possibilities provided by the Big Data infrastructure to obtain "use cases" and their subsequent prioritisation.
Defines the different interlocutors and those responsible for each of the activities, as well as the definition of the distribution lists and regular progress reports.
Provides knowledge and experience from other cases where business cases have been solved through automation in use cases, and develops, from the Business Case selected for construction, a model of measurement of the target variables of the use case.
Collaborates in the development of mathematical models to determine the weight or influence of each of these levers on these variables, so that the different levers can be activated in order to improve the results of the business case.