Mar 22, 2024 | IA & Transf Digital - Estrategia, Turismo & Ocio
En el complicado mundo de los negocios, el mercado del lujo se enfrenta a tiempos inciertos. El crecimiento de las ventas que han reflejado en el 4T de 2023 las principales empresas del sector (LVMH, Kering, Hermés,…) es de un 5% frente al 12,5% de media que se había...
Jan 19, 2020 | Tourism & Leisure
Higher travel forecast and more budget Luxury travellers are the most willing to purchase travel with a travel consumption forecast index of 75.7. The average budget they will spend on each trip in 2020 is between €1,000 and €3,000, which is between €1,000 and €3,000....
Apr 20, 2018 | Tourism & Leisure
Once retired, older people have more time to visit those places they were unable to visit when they were younger. This is because they see travelling as a good way of fulfilling their life objectives, achieving three fundamental goals: the...