- Customers strongly punish Apps in their ratings for poor usability, usability, service and design.
- Of the 10 mobile applications analysed in the third quarter of 2017, none managed to pass.

BRAINTRUST has presented the Comparative Study on Mobile Apps in the telecommunications sector, based on the ratings made by 6,530 Android users (Android mobile phones account for 88% of the market) in the third quarter of 2017. Nowadays, users are increasingly demanding with the mobile apps offered by telephone operators and they harshly punish, through their comments and ratings, all those that are not designed from the outset to make their lives easier.

During the presentation of the conclusions of the study, the poor rating obtained by the Apps of most operators was highlighted. Of the 10 mobile applications analysed, none managed to pass. The best rated by customers were Simyo (+4) and Lowi.es (-26). On the other hand, the worst rated were the applications of the operators Mi Yoigo (-76), Mi fibra ONO (-88) and Masmóvil (-93).

If we compare the evolution of the positioning of the rating compared to the previous four-month period, only Mi Movistar (-63.2) and Lowi.es (-26.9) have improved their position by 13 and 21 points respectively.

To understand the low customer ratings of Apps, BRAINTRUST has also analysed in the Study the comments left by users. Customers strongly punish Apps for their poor usability, usefulness, service and design.

BRAINTRUST, has been working for 15 years to help companies improve the experience they deliver to their customers through their shops, contact centres and digital touch points (App and Web). With more than 50 projects developed in this field and thanks to a powerful multidisciplinary team, BRAINTRUST is a reference for improving customer experience.

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