Two thirds of the Madrid population would try golf if a close friend or relative offered it to them.

The propensity increases in the central and northern areas of Madrid and in the 25-54 age group.

The attraction of a sport practised in a natural setting

Golf is considered a good social activity to practice with friends (53% of the population) and it also has the advantage of being played in a natural environment. In the recent study carried out by the Madrid Golf Federation among the population of the Community of Madrid, it is highlighted that golf is considered a healthy and fun sport, which relaxes and helps those who practice it to disconnect and improve themselves.

The study reveals that 66% of the population practises some sporting activity regularly (1 or more times a week), with walking (51%), going to the gym (30%), running (23%) and cycling (18%) being the most popular sporting activities in the Community. Among them, it is worth noting that although only 2% of the population currently practises golf, it does arouse interest in a majority of the population, as almost two thirds (62%) would try it if a close friend or relative offered it to them.

The study, carried out by the specialised company Brain Trust CS on more than a thousand people in the Community of Madrid, reveals that, although Golf is still an unknown sport for most of the population (9 out of 10 say they know little or nothing about this sport), it arouses the interest of a large part of the population. Among the values that make it most attractive are those related to the fact that it is "played in the open air and in a natural environment" and that "it is a challenge for those who play it".

The Madrid Golf Federation is working to raise awareness of Golf in the Madrid Region and to bring the great benefits of this sport to the general public.