- A good medical directory and quality of service, the main demands of users of private health insurance in Spain.
- The attributes most associated with leading companies such as Sanitas, Mapfre, SegurCaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV are "Well-known company" and "For the whole family".
BRAINTRUST, through its Health Insurance Competition Observatory, has analysed users' opinions about what the Ideal Insurer should be like. After a quantitative study conducted among private insurance policyholders and uninsured people across Spain, BRAINTRUST reveals that almost half of the ideal insurer's brand would be made up of five attributes:
1. A good medical team.
2. Quality of service
3. Good value for money
4. With guarantees.
5. State-of-the-art technology.
Estos cinco atributos aglutinarían un peso del 46,8% dentro de los ingredientes que debería incluir la receta de una compañía ideal. Otros atributos también significativos para los usuarios y que las aseguradoras que aspiren a ser reconocidas como «la Compañía Ideal» deberían cuidar, son: seriedad y formalidad; buen trato; calidad del personal; eficiencia”; y que sean reconocidas por unas “buenas instalaciones”.
In this context, the analysis also reveals that for the group of top companies in the sector made up of Sanitas, Mapfre, SegurCaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV, the attributes most repeated by users are "Well-known company" and "For the whole family", which curiously do not correspond to those most valued by users for an Ideal Insurer. However, of the 10 most relevant attributes, "Good medical staff", a quality that as we have seen is very important for a company to be classified as an Ideal Insurer, is the only one associated with these five companies.
Photo by Martin Brosy on Unsplash