Of the 10 mobile apps analysed, only My Orange (+13) and Jazztel (+25) increased their ratings compared to the first quarter of 2017.
Customers strongly punish APPs with the worst usability, usability, service and design. In the same way, they reward those that work on these four key aspects of the user experience.
Brain Trust CS presented yesterday the comparative study on mobile APPs in the telecommunications sector based on the ratings of 6,505 Android users (92% of the market) in the second quarter of 2017 (between 1 May and 31 July).
In the presentation of the conclusions of the study, the poor rating obtained by most of the operators was highlighted, with only 2 of the 10 operators improving their rating compared to the first quarter of 2017. Moreover, while in the first quarter, 3 of them obtained positive ratings, in this period all of them have obtained negative recommendation ratings.
The 3 best rated by customers were My Simyo with a value of -4, My Vodafone with -24 and My Orange with -34.
On the more negative side of the ratings are the applications of the operators Mi Movistar (-76), Masmóvil (-89) and Mi fibra ONO (-89) .
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