Beyond the changes in our competitors or in the products and services now demanded by the market, it is vital to understand what changes our customers have undergone as a result of this crisis.
Let's think that our strategy as a brand is assembled in response to the known characteristics of our portfolio of current and potential customers. Our communication, what we propose as a brand or our way of interacting, respond to what marketing calls a "cluster" of customers. Well, these "clusters" have changed and are still changing, as a result of the COVID 19 situation.
With the #T4NN methodology, we are seeing how the constant aggregation of data on payment behaviour, contactability, use of products and services or contracting, mark a very accelerated evolution of the characteristics of customer segments and require companies to respond quickly and adaptively.
What things have changed in my customer base since before the crisis, how do they perceive the "forced digitalisation" imposed by the crisis, how many of my customers are now in a difficult economic situation, are they thinking of discontinuing my products, are they willing to buy more from me as soon as they can,... These kinds of questions are in the mind of anyone who has a business and we surely have intuitions about the answers, but above all we see that there is great uncertainty, due to the nature, depth and speed of these changes.
With #T4NNN we have put in place a methodology for rapid and reliable analysis of the behaviour of our portfolio, about their new attitudes, but also monitoring the extent to which the changes we introduce in the business are well perceived and respond to their new expectations.
We wanted to share all this knowledge in our report "ticket for new normal" (T4NNN) which you can download from our website.