Nov 26, 2019 | Actualidad Braintrust, Experiencia de Cliente
Premium car brands are the most valued among consumers, but beware: their official service is the one that least meets customer expectations. And at a time of transformation for the entire sector due to the impact of the digital society, the change...
Aug 9, 2019 | Braintrust News
From grain loans to farmers and merchants in ancient Mesopotamia, to the first joint venture for Europe and the Middle East run by the Knights Templar, to the inevitable Medici family, banking activity is present in every corner of the...
Jun 11, 2018 | Tourism & Leisure
Millennials, also known as Gen Y or Me Generation, have radically changed the way we understand tourism. They are young people between the ages of 18 and 35, with a vision of life that industry players must be aware of if they want to remain competitive. ...