Nov 27, 2020 | Experiencia de Cliente
The COVID-19 pandemic has accustomed us in less than a year to conceive of the entire future as a constant acceleration, where if we are not in the lead car we will always be in the trailing car, with no possibility of a middle ground. We may have to...
Jul 27, 2018 | Braintrust News
Cuando sumamos en una misma acción términos como Internet, competitividad y marketing, es habitual que escuchemos «cantos de sirena» ofreciéndonos un benchmark de la competencia: tanto ranking de su web, tanto impacto en redes sociales, tanto respaldo de sus usuarios,...
Mar 16, 2018 | Experiencia de Cliente
What is it about customer experience that makes us turn to it again and again? In large part, it is that it is a truly transformative discipline, with a power of suggestion that not all companies are always ready for....