Nov 20, 2020 | Experiencia de Cliente
To say that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned everything upside down is almost a truism. What is not so obvious is that, alongside the health crisis and the economic meltdown we will be dealing with for years (if not decades) to come, there has also been a...
Nov 6, 2020 | Braintrust Update
When faced with a situation as exceptional as the one we are facing in 2020, it is just as important to keep calm when it comes to stress management as it is to know how to step on the accelerator where it counts. And in the design of a world that seeks to live in harmony with the...
Oct 30, 2020 | Braintrust News
No deberíamos haber tenido que atravesar una pandemia para asegurar algo tan de sentido común como que el teletrabajo ha llegado para quedarse. El término de trabajo «desde los hogares» podemos encontrarlo en la que para muchos es una obra premonitoria de Alvin...